Prospective Bangladeshi Students in Canadian Universities - PBSCU
Please read "About Us" and "Rules and Regulations" of PBSCU and CAAB groups. If you do not agree to any of the statements mentioned below, we request you to please do not join or leave the group if you already joined. If you join the group or do not leave, it is assumed that you "agree" to all the statements/rules mentioned below.
PBSCU is a non-profit and non-political online-based peer-to-peer discussions platform dedicated to prospective Bangladeshi students who want to study in different Canadian Institutions. The platform's main aim is to give suggestions without any monetary compensation or referral to paid services about higher study in Canada. These suggestions are provided by admin/moderators, current students, and alumni of different Canadian Universities and Colleges of Bangladeshi origin.
Admins of PBSCU/CAAB look after the platform. There are no permanent admins. When one admin leaves, we replace them with new admins. PBSCU/CAAB admins, advisors, mentors, or anyone associated with PBSCU/CAAB may have their own opinions about issues. Their comments should be taken as "personal opinion", NOT that of the group.
PBSCU/CAAB admins/moderators can approve, delete any posts or comments and add/remove/block any members they see justified for managing the group without providing any explanation. We do not force any member to be part of PBSCU/CAAB. It's voluntary membership. However, if you are a member, you must follow the rules and regulations to be a member of PBSCU/CAAB and agree to the above statement.
This Facebook Group/website is a platform where members share their personal views. These posts/comments should be taken as "personal views", rather legal or official instructions. Group founder, admins/moderators, advisors, mentors, or anyone associated with the group are not responsible for any personal comment or post. Consult these websites for official rules and regulations, Education in Canada (https://www.educanada.ca) and Visa Application (https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/study-canada.html). If you want to REPORT an immigration fraud, please use this website: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/protect-fraud/report-fraud.html
This group does not represent any coaching centre, marriage media, immigration/consulting agency (regulated or unregulated), or any profit-seeking organization of any kind in Bangladesh or in Canada.
PBSCU is ONLY useful for those prospective students who are seeking services that do not require any monetary compensation or referral to paid services. Therefore, we do not allow any post, or any comment in the group through which it may initiate/get referred to a paid immigration/visa/admission service, including regulated and unregulated ones [even if they are providing free advice]. However, we allow University or College officials to announce different study opportunities if they do not refer to any paid services.
Although PBSCU/CAAB members point out and share malpractice by some agencies, NOT all are fraudulent. If you are looking for paid professional service, look for a regulated immigration consultant certified by the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC) (https://iccrc-crcic.ca) who are regulated by Canadian laws. However, we do not comment on the authenticity or service quality of any consultants as we do not deal with paid services. Here is the official link on how to choose an immigration representative and tips to protect yourself from fraud, consult this website: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigration-citizenship-representative/choose.html
Finally, we are NOT immigration consultants. We do NOT ask for money for any service. We do NOT discuss immigration issues unless they are related to students (e.g., post-degree immigration opportunities). All types of money transactions and advertisements are PROHIBITED. If someone is asking for money from you through our group/page, immediately report them. They will be immediately BLOCKED. You should also block them. E-Mail us to report: pbscuadm@gmail.com
Canadian Alumni Association of Bangladesh - CAAB
Canadian Alumni Association of Bangladesh (CAAB) is a non-profit and non-political online-based peer-to-peer discussions platform that harbours current students and alumni from different Canadian Educational Institutions and Professionals of Bangladeshi origin. This is a sister concern of the main group #pbscu. The group's primary purpose is to connect Canadian students and alumni/professionals of Bangladeshi origin and offer 100% free peer-to-peer help.
Admins of PBSCU/CAAB look after the platform. There are no permanent admins. When one admin leaves, we replace them with new admins. PBSCU/CAAB admins, advisors, mentors, or anyone associated with PBSCU/CAAB may have their own opinions about issues. Their comments should be taken as "personal opinion", NOT that of the group.
PBSCU/CAAB admins/moderators can approve, delete any posts or comments and add/remove/block any members they see justified for managing the group without providing any explanation. We do not force any member to be part of PBSCU/CAAB. It's voluntary membership. However, if you are a member, you must follow the rules and regulations to be a member of PBSCU/CAAB and agree to the above statement.
This Facebook Group is a platform where members share their personal views. These posts/comments must be taken as "personal views", rather than official or legal instructions. Group founder, admins, advisors, or anyone associated with the group are not responsible for any personal comment or post. Consult these websites for official rules and regulations, Education in Canada (https://www.educanada.ca) and Visa Application (https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/study-canada.html).
This group does not represent any coaching centre, marriage media, immigration/consulting agency (regulated or unregulated), or any profit-seeking organization of any kind in Bangladesh or in Canada.
CAAB is ONLY useful for members who are seeking services that do not require any monetary compensation or referral to paid services. Although PBSCU/CAAB members point out malpractice by some agencies, but NOT all are fraudulent. If you are looking for paid professional service, look for a regulated immigration consultant certified by the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC) (https://iccrc-crcic.ca) who are regulated by Canadian laws. However, we do not comment on the authenticity or service quality of any consultants as we do not deal with paid services. Here is the official link on how to choose an immigration representative and tips on avoiding fraud by representatives, consult this website: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/immigration-citizenship-representative/choose.html
We are NOT immigration consultants. We do NOT ask for money for any service. We do NOT discuss immigration issues, unless they are related to students (e.g., post-degree immigration opportunities). All types of money transactions and advertisements are PROHIBITED. If someone is asking money from you through our group/page, immediately report them. They will be immediately BLOCKED. You should also block them. E-Mail us to report: pbscuadm@gmail.com