MASc/PhD এর জন্য প্রফেসরকে ইমেইলে কিভাবে এপ্রোচ করবেন?

This document is originally written by Md Nazmul Hasan, PhD Candidate in EEE (University of British Columbia).

Year of Publication: 2019

©PBSCU Any unauthorized use of this article, including copying or editing is prohibited. If you want to use the article, you need to take permission from us: or from the author and you must mention the author's name and the group's name in all cases.

প্রফেসরকে ইমেইল দেবার সময় এই বেসিক বিষয় গুলি মাথায় রাখলে সুবিধে হবে আশা করি:

Dear Professor X,

I am writing this email with an intention to pursue MS/PhD under your supervision at XYZ university. I have graduated in 20xx from x university, Bangladesh, with a CGPA of xx.x.

I became acquainted initially with your research works during my undergraduate thesis work related to xyz topic, in which I read some of your influential works on xyz topic as part of the literature survey. This interest has been further fueled by your recent paper titled "paper title", in which xyz method was used to investigate xyz phenomenon. The novel idea you proposed regarding xyz mechanism was indeed very interesting.

My previous research experience on xyz topic during my thesis work was limited to xyz area but your recent findings on xyz topic motivate me to work further on this topic. I was thinking if it is possible to combine xyz phenomenon with uvw so that ABC characteristics of the system may increase, possibly yielding higher efficiency. (এই যে হাইপোথেটিক্যাল একটা আইডিয়া আপনি পেশ করলেন, এটা ইন্ডিকেট করলো যে প্রফেসরের রিসার্চ এরিয়ায় আপনার সত্যি সত্যি ইন্টারেস্ট আছে বিধায় আপনি একটু হলেও সেটা নিয়ে চিন্তা ভাবনা করেছেন, এটাই প্রফেসররা লাইক করে, এবং প্রফেসরের রিপ্লাই পাবার সম্ভাবনা অনেক বেড়ে যায় এভাবে লিখলে, ইমেল স্প্যাম ফোল্ডারে না গেলে)

I was wondering if there is any opening in your research group for Fall/Spring 20xx. I am attaching my resume, transcript and my thesis for your scrutiny.

I am eagerly looking forward to your reply.

Sincerely yours,

Name Dept. & University name